
Deploy your NextJS App with Docker

To deploy our application with Docker, we will need to write a Dockerfile which in turn is used to create a Docker-Image.
This Image can then be used to deploy our application on any container platform like Docker, Podman or even Kubernetes.

Creating the Dockerfile

Inside the root of our Nextjs App (next to the package.json) we need to create a file named Dockerfile.

We will start with a base image. For Example node:20

FROM node:20

Next we will define our working directory and copy our files into there. If you have any secrets, that you don’t want to copy, you should split the Copy-Command into different steps.

FROM node:20

COPY . .

After that we need to define our environment variables. Since NextJS compiles it’s code at build time, we need to provide them now. If you provide them once you start the container, they will be undefined.

To define environment variables we have to options:

  • write them directly into the Dockerfile. Do not use this for secrets
  • or use build arguments to keep your secrets out of your Dockerfile
FROM node:20

COPY . .

# public variables
ENV NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL=https://jrehkemper.de

# private variables

The next step is to install our dependencies and build our application.

FROM node:20

COPY . .

# public variables
ENV NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL=https://jrehkemper.de

# private variables

RUN npm install
RUN npm run build

The last step would be to provide the start command. This command is executed once you start the container.

FROM node:20

COPY . .

# public variables
ENV NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL=https://jrehkemper.de

# private variables

RUN npm install
RUN npm run build

CMD ["npm", "run", "start"]

Building the Image

Now that we have our recipe (Dockerfile) we can build the image.

$ docker build -t myregistry.example.com/my-repo/my-app:latest .

If you used Build-Args, you need to provide them.

$ docker build -t myregistry.example.com/my-repo/my-app:latest --build-arg PG_PASSWORD=password123 .

If you want to use the image on the different machine as well, you will need to push your image into the specified registry.

$ docker push myregistry.example.com/my-repo/my-app:latest

Multi-Stage Build

You will see that this image is quite big. That’s mostly since it has all the node_modules, the raw source-code and the compiled webapp inside. But usually you only want the compiled webapp.
Multi-Stage builds allow you to do that. You will use a first stage to build your software and a second stage to build the container with only the compiled software.
You can find an Example of this here.

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Jannik Rehkemper

I'm an professional Linux Administrator and Hobby Programmer. My training as an IT-Professional started in 2019 and ended in 2022. Since 2023 I'm working as an Linux Administrator.