
Podman Configure Insecure Registry

If you want to pull container-images from an insecure registry with podman, you need to configure podman to allow this insecure registry.

Otherwise, you get this error

error pinging docker registry my-registry.local:5000: Get "https://my-registry.local:5000/v2/": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client

The registry-configurations are located under /etc/containers/registries.conf.d/.
If you want to add a new registry simply add a new file that ends in .conf. The Filename can be the name of the registry, but this is not required, as long as the file ends with .conf.

Open the file and specify the following lines.

vim /etc/containers/registries.conf.d/my-registry.local.conf

location = "my-registry.local:5000"
insecure = true

After that you can push and pull images without an error.

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Jannik Rehkemper

I'm an professional Linux Administrator and Hobby Programmer. My training as an IT-Professional started in 2019 and ended in 2022. Since 2023 I'm working as an Linux Administrator.